Havaman Andaj. Rain again in the state! Heavy rain will fall at this place in the next 24 hours

Havaman live andaj today. Half of October is over. In some states, people have to endure heat waves during the day. Currently, the journey of return rains has started. But this year, rains have affected the state along with the country. Expected rainfall did not fall in many parts of the state. The water level of the dam has also decreased. Similarly, the Meteorological Department has given an important update regarding the rains.

For the past two days, heavy to very heavy rains have been witnessed in some states of the country. Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Meghalaya and Sikki have received heavy rains. Havaman live andaj today Importantly, the Meteorological Department (IMD Alert) has predicted heavy rain in this area in the next 24 hours. Therefore, the citizens here should go out after predicting the rain. (Rain Update)

Havaman live andaj today

According to the Meteorological Department, Monsoon will return from Telangana, some parts of Karnataka, Maharashtra and the rest of the Central Arabian Sea in the next two to three days.Havaman live thunder weather today,Havaman live thunder weather satellite,Havaman live thunder weather app,Havaman live thunder weather radar , Monsoon may also withdraw soon from parts of Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Odisha. So the citizens may have to bear the scorching heat now.

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